Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Upcoming Events with the Veteran's Parade and Expo, Bridge Street, New painting start and Go Vote!

Upcoming events for this week.  I will be on Bridgestreet, local Channel 9 WSYR at 10:00 am
This Saturday is the Veteran's Parade and Expo event at the New York State Fairgrounds and "A Military Series - A Parent's Perspective" will be there.  So Come on out Central New York.  This is the day to honor your heroes and hear their stories.  It is my goal to tell their stories to the teach the average American Citizen who have little idea what our military is experiecing and selflessly sacrificing.  They are our heroes who keep us safe and defend our freedom.

This is the underpainting called, "Guardians of Freedom" for the 3/6 Battalion's painting. 
Calligraphied into its flag will bear a quote from Andrew Jackson's Farewell Address in 1837. I fell in love with these words, written so long ago: "...Providence has showered on this favored land blessings without number, and has chosen you, as the guardians of freedom, to preserve it for the benefit of the human race. May he who holds in his hands the destinies of nations make you worthy of the favors he has bestowed, and enable you, with pure hearts, and pure hands, and sleepless vigilance, to guard and defend to the end of time the great charge he has committed to your keeping..."

I have been scouring over just the right images for the last two years. The hand stretched canvas is 34"x 50". After those acrylic layers I will put in several different portraits of 3/6 Marines.

Much more to come on this one.
I just got back from casting my votes for this election.  Get out and vote!  I don't care who you vote for, but you need to get out and vote.  It is a right and a responsibility as a Citizen of the United States of America.  When you vote you bring honor to my military who chooses to stand in harms way right now to my veterans when you vote.  They are willing to follow the lead of our president that we elect today.  Show the world our government at its working best by voting. Our government is for the people and by the people, therefore we must act to make our country the great. Even though you may be unsure today, do your homework and choose the candidate that fits your ideals and goals for America.  Remember there is no absolute perfect candidate.  If you vote and the elected official is leaning in a direction you don't agree with, say something, write them, don't be afraid to speak your mind.  Be involved in the government process.  Just be sure to VOTE!  'nough said.

I will add on to this later today with the latest painting start of "Guardians of Freedom" for the 3/6 Battalion.

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