Monday, May 2, 2011

New Painting "I'm Out Here. Did you Forget Me?"

I would like to introduce to you Lcpl Forest Daniel Blair, my son in a new painting that I am starting called, "I'm Out Here; Did You Forget Me?".  If you click on the picture to enlarge it look beyond the reflection in his glasses and into his eyes.

This is a layered painting of transparent acrylics for the eyes.  On top there is the reflection of his glasses that you know he is holding his camera, cool angles, but it is the eyes themselves, shadowed with his glasses that tell the real story.  They are contemplative, but if you read further, you can see his question, "I'm out here.  Did you forget me?" 
The answer from me is, "Not for a minute, did I forget.  Not even a second."   I am going to try clear gesso over the acrylics in parts of the face and helmet.  Over that I want to try Panpastels.  That should give a thick powdered look.  I will be experiementing with that

God gives you talents and if you can catch the gift he has given you to use that talent.
There was something I saw, deep within  their eyes. 
I could see their heart, they have such purpose.
They answered a call so profound you can hear it without a sound.
Something captured within their gaze needed to be discovered.  
Something is set in motion when I start a painting that I compels my hands to put into the visual.
I know God gave me a talent and charged me to paint windows that reach into the soul.
I will be writing more and giving more updates soon.

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