After stopping by The National Museum of the Marines and the Smithsonian in Washington DC on the way home, now it is time to give an update on what is happening with my paintings. They are going to debute at the Syracuse Cheif's game with 6 of my paintings on July 4th, with fireworks to follow! There are other plans (not written in stone yet, just in works) in the works at Leymoyne College, Veterans day Homecoming parade for the 174th at the NY State Fairgrounds in the Center of Progress Building's Expo, working on the National Museum of the Marine Corps, and not to mention the Smithonian Museum in Washington DC have asked me not to forget them.
It was my job to bring Forest's car home. Isn't she a pretty thing!
Oh my. That just got very complicated, but very exciting. I want so much to tell their story. That is what I prayed for when I first started. The peices I have done is about what our military and their families go through. We see our sons and daughters and are very proud of them and what they do. As parents we pray unseasingly for their safety.
Keep watching. I will be updating the on more paintings very soon. I just got back from seeing him off and I am adding in taking care of his personal affects during deployment to my things to do list along with my paintings. "Plate spinners" star performer is about to begin! More later. For now I am going to bed.